Query 1 -
SELECT b.owner
, b.object_name
, a.oracle_username
, a.os_user_name
FROM v$locked_object a
, all_objects b
WHERE a.object_id = b.object_id
Query 2 -
SELECT c.owner
, c.object_name
, c.object_type
, b.SID
, b.serial#
, b.status
, b.osuser
, b.machine
FROM v$locked_object a
, v$session b
, dba_objects c
WHERE b.SID = a.session_id
AND a.object_id = c.object_id;
Query 3 -
SELECT a.session_id
, a.oracle_username
, a.os_user_name
, b.owner "OBJECT OWNER"
, b.object_name
, b.object_type
, a.locked_mode
FROM ( SELECT object_id
, session_id
, oracle_username
, os_user_name
, locked_mode
FROM v$locked_object ) a
, ( SELECT object_id
, owner
, object_name
, object_type
FROM dba_objects ) b
WHERE a.object_id = b.object_id;
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” – A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide.
Query to find - Is an employer also a buyer or not in oracle Apps or How can check that employee is a buyer
09:54 by OAG_OracleAppsGuide 0 Comments A+ a-
Query to find Is an employee also a buyer or not In Oracle Apps R12 ?
Query -
SELECT pa.agent_id, papf.person_id, papf.employee_number, papf.email_address,
pa.category_id, pa.location_id, papf.effective_start_date,
FROM po_agents pa, per_all_people_f papf, hr_all_organization_units haou
WHERE pa.agent_id = papf.person_id
AND papf.business_group_id = haou.business_group_id
AND TRUNC (SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
AND papf.effective_end_date
--AND email_address = 'rdamanho@redhat.com'
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” –A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide
Terminology Used in EBS Oracle Apps R12
23:16 by OAG_OracleAppsGuide 0 Comments A+ a-
What is Implementation,Upgradation ,Migration,Reimplementation,Rollout,Support in terms of Oracle Apps R12
Difference between Implementation,Upgradation ,Migration,Reimplementation,Rollout,Support in terms of Oracle Apps R12
Here are some of Important and frequently use Terminology in Oracle Apps EBS Listed below -:
- Implementation
- Upgradation
- Migration
- Reimplementation
- Rollout
- Support
1- Implementation - First Time implementation or fresh implementation of oracle application on the server is called Oracle Implementation.
2- Upgradation - Upgrade Any lower version into its higher version is called Oracle Apps EBS Upgradation e.g 11i - R12(12.1.1) or R12 (12.1.1) to R12 (12.2.4).
3- Migration - Migrate some of Selected data from one Instance to another instance as per business requirement is called Migration of Data .
4- Reimplementation - Somehow fresh implementation is not working properly or
it is not Suitable for the business then again Application Implement (Reimplement) with the best-fitted design.
5- Rollout - Same Structure develops and design for another Operating Unit within the Busines Group is called Rollout .In this process, one operating unit works for other preceding operating units as a base .
6- Support - Support is the maintenance of Oracle Application after Implementation or GO LIVE of Oracle Apps .
Note -: Link for Oracle Application Implementation guide document .
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” –A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide
How can make entry for "TNSNAMES.ORA" on the local host for Oracle Application (In Oracle Apps R12).
22:24 by OAG_OracleAppsGuide 0 Comments A+ a-
TNSNAMES.ORA entry to runs Oracle Application R12 at local Host
TNS Entry steps to runs Oracle Application R12
TNSNAMES.ORA entry to runs Oracle Application R12 at local Host
TNS Entry steps to runs Oracle Application R12
Please follow the given steps -:
1- Go to Host Desktop Screen
2- Press Home key + R and Type 'drivers'
Then Press Enter .
3- Now Go to Folder etc < Hosts
In the Host File please make entry for -
IP Address | Hostname | SID
As - ebs.example.com EBSDB
Host - Host IP Address -
Port - Port Number - 1521
SID - Service Identification - EBSDB
IP Address | Hostname | SID
As - ebs.example.com EBSDB
Important -: Default setup for Oracle Vision Instance to connect database and Application
Host - Host IP Address -
Port - Port Number - 1521
SID - Service Identification - EBSDB
Note - You can also Explorer the path directly .Follow the given below directory for the same .
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” –A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide
Top 35 SQL Interview Question asked in Oracle Apps Technical Interview or SQL TOP 35 Frequently asked question in Technical Interview
09:09 by OAG_OracleAppsGuide 0 Comments A+ a-
Top 35 SQL Interview Question asked in Oracle Apps R12 Technical Interview
SQL TOP 35 Frequently asked question in Technical Interview
Frequently asked Technical (SQL) question in Oracle apps r12 -:
1. To find EVEN NUMBER
select * from emp where rowid in (select decode(mod(rownum,2),0,rowid, null) from emp);
2. To find EVEN NUMBER
select * from emp where rowid in (select decode(mod(rownum,2),0,null ,rowid) from emp);
3. To find the 5th MAX salary
select distinct sal from emp e1 where 5 = (select count(distinct sal) from emp e2 where e1.sal <= e2.sal);
4. To find the 9th MIN salary in the emp table.
select distinct sal from emp e1 where 9 = (select count(distinct sal) from emp e2 where e1.sal >= e2.sal);
5. How can we use Rownum function/How can get output for first 10 row output
select * from emp where rownum <= &Enter_row_num;
6. How can get output for Last 10 row output
select * from emp minus select * from emp where rownum <= (select count(*) - &Enter_row_num from emp);
7. Use of Not in,Not Exists and /Department name without allocation of any Employee in it .
select * from dept where deptno not in (select deptno from emp);
select * from dept a where not exists (select * from emp b where a.deptno = b.deptno);
8. To find 21 Max salaries ?
select distinct sal from emp a where 21 >= (select count(distinct sal) from emp b where a.sal <= b.sal) order by a.sal desc;
9. To find 11 Min salaries ?
select distinct sal from emp a where 11 >= (select count(distinct sal) from emp b where a.sal >= b.sal);
10. To find nth maximum salary of employee with distinct function ?
select distinct hiredate from emp a where &n = (select count(distinct sal) from emp b where a.sal >= b.sal);
11. Example of Left or right join
select empno,ename,b.deptno,dname from emp a, dept b where a.deptno(+) = b.deptno and empno is null;
select empno,ename,b.deptno,dname from emp a, dept b where a.deptno = b.deptno(+) and empno is null;
12. To delete duplicate Records from Table
delete from emp a where rowid != (select max(rowid) from emp b where a.empno=b.empno);
13. Use of Group by Function
select count(EMPNO), b.deptno, dname from emp a, dept b where a.deptno(+)=b.deptno group by b.deptno,dname;
14. Use of Mathmatical Function in query
select ename,sal/12 as monthlysal from emp;
15. Select all record "OR"
select * from emp where deptno=90 or deptno=40;
16. Select all record Using Less then and greater then.
select * from emp where deptno=40 and sal>1100;
17. Use of "Not in" by example
select * from emp where job not in ('SALESMAN','CLERK');
18. Use of "IN" by example
select * from emp where empid in('10','20','30');
19. Select all records where ename starts with 'Sonu' and its lenth is 8 char.
select * from emp where ename like'Sonu___';
20. Select all records where ename end with 'Chauhan'/Use of "%"
select * from emp where ename like'%Chauhan';
21. Use of Count function
select count(MGR),count(sal) from emp;
22. Use Formula in select
select ename,(sal+nvl(comm,0)) as totalsal from emp;
23. Select any salary <15000 from emp table using subquery
select * from emp where sal> any(select sal from emp where sal<15000);
24. Select all salary <5000 from emp table using subquery
select * from emp where sal> all(select sal from emp where sal<5000);
25. Select all the employee group by deptno and sal in descending order.
select ename,deptno,sal from emp order by deptno,sal desc;
26. How can I create an empty table emp1 with same structure as emp?
Create table emp1 as select * from emp where 3=5;
27. How to retrive record where sal between 3000 to 7000? / Use of "Between"
Select * from emp where sal>=3000 And sal<7000
28. Select all records where dept no of both emp and dept table matches.
select * from emp where exists(select * from dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno)
29. How to use Union between two table
(Select * from emp) Union (Select * from emp1)
30. To find Intersect/Common attribute value
(Select * from emp) Intersect (Select * from emp1)
31. Use of "Minus"
(Select * from emp) Minus (Select * from emp1)
32. Count the total sal deptno wise where more than 2 employees exist.
SELECT deptno, sum(sal) As totalsal FROM emp GROUP BY deptno HAVING COUNT(empno) > 2
33. Example of Subquery
34. Example of Union
35 Example of Function Like Sum ,Avg etc
SELECT avg(RATE) from PO_headers_all
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” – A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide
Definition of Lookup in Oracle Apps R12 Or What is Lookup in Oracle Apps R12? Or What is the main purpose of lookups in Oracle Apps R12?
12:57 by OAG_OracleAppsGuide 0 Comments A+ a-
Definition of Lookup in Oracle Apps R12
What is Lookup in Oracle Apps R12?
What is the main purpose of lookups in Oracle Apps R12?
The main purpose of a lookup is to keep programs flexible and easier to configure. Lookups are an approach of creating a configurable “list of values” in E-Business Suite. One of the simplest examples of a lookup type is gender. A “gender lookup” will have definitions as shown next:
Code Meaning
M Male
F Female
U Unknown
M Male
F Female
U Unknown
Suppose that there is a table for employees named PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F and it has the following columns:
The screen that displays an employee’s gender will display a value of Male, Female, or Unknown. However, the database column PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.GENDER will store a value of M, F, or U. Hence, the screen displays the meaning, whereas the database columns reference the lookup via a lookup code.
If in the future your organization wants the users to see “Undisclosed” instead of “Unknown,” you will have to make a change to just one record in the lookups table via the lookup screen. By doing so, you will avoid having to update thousands of records in PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. Your new lookup will look like the following:
Code Meaning
M Male
F Female
U Unknown
Here lies the power of the lookups; you do not need to modify thousands of records in a transactional table. A simple change via the lookup screen will suffice. Using the lookup screen, you can either create new custom lookups or modify existing lookups.
What are the differences between system, extensible, and user lookup types in Oracle Apps R12?ORType of Lookups in Oracle Apps R12
- Insertion of new codes is allowed
- Updating of start date, end date, and enabled fields is allowed
- Deletion of codes is allowed
- Updating of tag is allowed
- Deletion of lookup type is not allowed
- Insertion of new codes is allowed
- Updating of start date, end date, enabled fields, and tag is allowed only if the code is not 'seed data'
- Deletion of codes is allowed only if the code is not 'seed data'
- Updating of module is not allowed
- Deletion of lookup type is not allowed
- Insertion of new codes is not allowed
- Updating of start date, end date, and enabled fields is not allowed
- Deletion of codes is not allowed
- Updating of tag is not allowed
- Updating of module is not allowed
Brief, some pre-seeded lookups given by Oracle cannot be modified. For example, Oracle has a lookup type called a termination type as shown in above figure. Oracle has some rules defined within the Payroll Engine program that read the value of a termination type code for employees before calculating their final salaries. Such lookup codes, if changed, can affect the logic within the Payroll Engine. For this reason, Oracle flags some lookups as system lookups, and the Lookup Entry screen will not let you modify those lookup codes.
How can a lookup type be directly attached to a flexfield segment to do validations in Oracle Apps R12?
To do this, create a value set of Table type that validates against FND_LOOKUP_VALUES using the desired lookup. In this manner, you can validate flexfield segments against lookup values.
The point here is that a lookup type cannot be directly attached to a flexfield segment to do validations; however, it is indirectly possible to do so.
Examples and use cases where we use lookups in Oracle Apps R12.
Example: Interfacing Data to Third-Party Systems
Sometimes there is a need to create a database view that becomes the source of information for data transfer to other third-party systems. You might have to put filtration rules in place; for example, for HRMS Extract, people with person types Employee and Applicant should be extracted. To achieve this, instead of hard-coding Employee and Applicant in the database view, you can do the following:
1-Create a lookup type XX_EXTRACT_EMPLOYEE_TYPES.
2-Add lookup codes Employee and Applicant to this lookup type.
3-In the database view, join the HR Person Types from HR Tables with FND_LOOKUP_VALUES for this lookup type.
So through this manner, Lookup also gives you the flexibility to change hard-code Value in Code.
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” –A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide
1-Create a lookup type XX_EXTRACT_EMPLOYEE_TYPES.
2-Add lookup codes Employee and Applicant to this lookup type.
3-In the database view, join the HR Person Types from HR Tables with FND_LOOKUP_VALUES for this lookup type.
So through this manner, Lookup also gives you the flexibility to change hard-code Value in Code.
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” –A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide
What are the differences between system, extensible, and user lookup types in Oracle Apps R12?
12:45 by OAG_OracleAppsGuide 0 Comments A+ a-
What are the differences between system, extensible, and user lookup types in Oracle Apps R12?
ORType of Lookups in Oracle Apps R12
- Insertion of new codes is allowed
- Updating of start date, end date, and enabled fields is allowed
- Deletion of codes is allowed
- Updating of tag is allowed
- Deletion of lookup type is not allowed
- Insertion of new codes is allowed
- Updating of start date, end date, enabled fields, and tag is allowed only if the code is not 'seed data'
- Deletion of codes is allowed only if the code is not 'seed data'
- Updating of module is not allowed
- Deletion of lookup type is not allowed
- Insertion of new codes is not allowed
- Updating of start date, end date, and enabled fields is not allowed
- Deletion of codes is not allowed
- Updating of tag is not allowed
- Updating of module is not allowed
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” –A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide .
How can be add month in calendar or defining new fiscal year in oracle apps R12
04:07 by OAG_OracleAppsGuide 0 Comments A+ a-
How can add month in calendar or defining new fiscal year in oracle apps R12
How can add an Adjustment Period in Calendar
How can add month in calendar or defining new fiscal year in oracle apps R12
How can add an Adjustment Period in Calendar
Go to General Ledger ,Vision Operation (USA) < Setup
Then Setup < Financials < Calendars < Accounting
Now Go to File < New and add a new line Accordingly .
Fill all mandatory field as required .
Now Save
Finally, Your's Month add in Calendar .
Note -: Use the following Query to check the status of the Periods Details accordingly :
select a.period_name,
(select period_name, period_num,
closing_status) gl_status
from gl_period_statuses
where application_id = 101
and start_date >= '01-JAN-98
and end_date < '01-JAN-99'
and set_of_books_id = &&set_of_books_id) a,
(select period_name,
closing_status) po_status
from gl_period_statuses
where application_id = 201
and start_date >= '01-JAN-15'
and end_date < '01-JAN-16'
and set_of_books_id = &&set_of_books_id) b,
(select period_name,
closing_status) ap_status
from gl_period_statuses
where application_id = 200
and start_date >= '01-JAN-15'
and end_date < '01-JAN-16'
and set_of_books_id = &&set_of_books_id) c
where a.period_name = b.period_name
and a.period_name = c.period_name
order by a.period_num
“A GUIDE FOR ORACLE E-BUSINESS SUITE” –A complete Solution and Learning platform For Oracle Apps R12/11i, Training, India Localization, Technical, P2P, O2C, Drop-shipment, AR/AP Cycle, Implementation, Bug or error in Oracle Apps R12/11i, Up-gradation, Support, Alert, Personalization, Discoverer management, OracleApps R12/11i Module, Finance, SCM, MRP, ASCP, WIP, BOM, FA, AP, AR, OM, INV, AOL, MOAC, TCA structure, Project Accounting, CM, Functional,Oracle DBA, ERP, Techno-functional, OAF, Oracle Apps Interview Question and Error in Oracle apps R12/11i. For More Information Visit on www.OracleAppsGuide.com Or Subscribe your email-id on OracleAppsGuide .
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